Thursday, May 30, 2013

New diamond shop!

Today's newest craze is the diamond shop, next to the apparently new and improved club geoz. There you can buy all sorts of extremely rare items. Tail armor, large plushies, weather clouds, even leadgandary glove. I guess Aj HQ is trying to fix all the hacking and scamming buy selling rare items.. Don't you think? I mean Aj Hq can never ever fix those problems they'll always occur so the best thing for them to do is sell these items thus decreasing the value.                                    


also notice the small orange tree located next to it. And I knew it would have some meaning so I googled it and oranges mean 'luck or wealth' cool huh?  
Also, here are some of the items sold in the shop. 

Now doesn't this defeat the purpose of the cards? (The gift cards) So NOW how will Aj get profit people usually by the cards for the animals.    
anyways thats all for now -partyanimalzz!


  1. ok I wanna talk diamond shop....
    so, this morning I got up for my last day of school, and these bunnies were yelling, " GUYS AJ TOOK OUR RARES WE WORKED "SO HARD" FOR AND NOW LOOK! THEY BROGHT THEM BACK! ANIMAL JAM HAS SCAMMED US ALL BUT ONLY THE 1'S WHO HAVE THOSE ITEMS! another person said, " HAHA IKR? NEXT THING YA KNOW, SPIKES AND BETAS ARE COMING BACK!" then I said, " ok first of all, betas were in BETA DAYS! so they cant come back! if they had spikes there, it would be nice. but why fight over it? some jammers want these cool items... what do ya know? they might take away the diamond shop and take away YOUR (the bunnies and jammers who were fighting and said aj scammed them,) rares and you will regret the fighting that was worth nothing..

    ok about my school day. if its ok with pup and PA, then I will share.
    ok so this morning, for 10 minutes we walked around the WHOLE school and then, we played outside for like.... 4-5 hours? then we ate lunch, and then the BEST PART! we got to get sprayed with a fire truck hose! this big hose on top of the truck and it sprayed to over 20 feet! pawsome! so..... after that, we changed into clean dry outfits. then after that, we had a really great time seeing everybody at the awards ceramoney we threw our graduation caps up in to the air! some got lost, some flew and hit innocent peeps heads LOL! so thts mainly it... oh wait! 2 kids cried a lot in the back of the room because they were not going to the same schools.... :( I felt bad for them. then as much as I hated to do it, I cryed with them.... we all hugged in a HUGEIFING group hug! we got to sign stuff and things, but the worst part, I wouldn't see a girl who was cring at my middle school.... :(
    that's mainly it this time.... now i'm upset again! sigh maybe i'll get over it....

  2. The purpose of the gift cards is to get membership, not lions and stuff. Lions are just addons, so people buy more memberships at more times. Plus, you only get 1 diamond a week, so it would take 10 weeks to save up for these animals. Plus, you only get to make one. you dont get unlimited access. Its one snow leopard=10 diamonds. 2 snow leopards=20 diamonds and so on.

    1. really yilli! you don't have to correct her! its annoying to see you bragging on to other peoples blogs to correct them but when someone corrects you on ur blog you get all mad! what kind of world is this anymore?

    2. And I actually Bought the card for the animal not so much the fancy smacy membership.. You have to appricate the little addons that come with the gift cards :l

    3. Ilovemyfamily, It doesn't help with YOU spamming my blog with hate comments. I know its you, because you said 'Yllili' in all the comments, as nobody else says that. Bust-eeeeed.

    4. .......... like I care... btw yilli.... I am NOT spamming this wonderful blog... spamming is like is if I keep pressing enter for like an hour, then that's spamming.. and like I care if I get "busted" from U! point of this comment, to say 2 u yilli, is I was saying I did NOT spam.... cheese peeps..."turns to cheese"
      p.s. yilli, it also doesn't help when U put hate comments on others' blogs telling them to correct themselves and tell them to upgrade their blogs and stuff like that....

  3. Well, people are still paying for membership regardless. Also, it takes such a long time to earn the diamonds, almost 3 months. During that time, you're still paying for the membership! So sorta the same.

  4. hey pupp and partyanimalzz? maybe you can post about how mean yllil254 is...... she DOES have a horrible temper.... hope she never sees this... my bad luck she will......... oh well...
    XP -random person.


Hello! It's partyanimalzz, pupp1266 and ice cream here to teach you about commenting RULEZ!
1. Don't be mean (it's mean and if you do this ice cream will haunt you in your sleep)
2. THIS IS ABOUT A KID GAME!!!!!! Not some fashion show in lemonville!
3. Don't swear!!! (Swearing is baaaaad peeps!)
4. Don't be a spam robot (or a spambot as i call it)
5. Remember all people view this blog so please be nice
6. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. After you've comment dance in front of your computer and sing about yellow rubber duckies! -partyanimalzz & pupp1266!