Friday, March 8, 2013

Scammer beware!

As many of you know scammers are scattered through at jamaa, but one thing I've relized for a very long time is the the most, smartest, most talented scammers are in ALDAN!! makes sense beacuse many rares tend to cluster there just look at these pics! WOW look at all those fat juicy rarez, perfect place for any scammer. And most of these rares aren't that smart and relize most of them scam for there stuff. And well, they aren't to polite to unrares as they call them. To much rares go to their heads these days. And if u are one of these ppl be nice to unrares they are wanna bes but they have feelings to! Now, if a rare came up to u and said "wow u have very little rares." Thats wouldn't be very nice. There are 3 kinds of jammers. 1# Rarez 2# middle class jammers with some rares 3# Unrares with zero rares and think pink koala plushies are beta. But just take it from an unrares prospective on animal jam... Being treated like a hobo isn't gonna make em' earn rares them self! It gonna want t make them scam for rares. Truth is thats how most jammers become scammers! -partyanimalzz!RANDOM FACTS!

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Hello! It's partyanimalzz, pupp1266 and ice cream here to teach you about commenting RULEZ!
1. Don't be mean (it's mean and if you do this ice cream will haunt you in your sleep)
2. THIS IS ABOUT A KID GAME!!!!!! Not some fashion show in lemonville!
3. Don't swear!!! (Swearing is baaaaad peeps!)
4. Don't be a spam robot (or a spambot as i call it)
5. Remember all people view this blog so please be nice
6. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. After you've comment dance in front of your computer and sing about yellow rubber duckies! -partyanimalzz & pupp1266!