Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday Rare

Well the Monday rare isn't a fox hat again.. but it is flower glasses!? I think that in all of my time playing animal jam I have seen like 2 people wearing the flower glasses. Here is the rare version:
I guess the colors are good and all... but members? Everything is all about members now! Now, I love membership and all but I'm sure all of the non members out there would love to have a rare. Including me. Since I am suspended I have to play on a storage account. Can somebody buy one for me??


  1. Replies
    1. I emailed animal jam and they said that a "wrong action was made in trading of the game" what does that even mean??? It was worded differently but WAAAY confusing.

  2. I might be able to raise some allowance money to buy the hummingbird membership pack. If I can get it, I will apply it to your account. What is the username of your storage account?


  3. AJ has membership and member-only items because without membership, Animal Jam couldn't go online for everybody in the world to play. Animal Jam Memberships keep Animal Jam available for everybody, including nonmembers. Without member-only items and such, nobody would buy memberships and Animal Jam would need to shut itself off.


Hello! It's partyanimalzz, pupp1266 and ice cream here to teach you about commenting RULEZ!
1. Don't be mean (it's mean and if you do this ice cream will haunt you in your sleep)
2. THIS IS ABOUT A KID GAME!!!!!! Not some fashion show in lemonville!
3. Don't swear!!! (Swearing is baaaaad peeps!)
4. Don't be a spam robot (or a spambot as i call it)
5. Remember all people view this blog so please be nice
6. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. After you've comment dance in front of your computer and sing about yellow rubber duckies! -partyanimalzz & pupp1266!