Monday, March 4, 2013

Im being pecked to death by ducks!!

I'M BEING PECKED TO DEATH BY DUCKS!! Litterally, I open my den 4 a day really a day and you some of you people come in and start trying to buy stuff like a store!! My den is not a super market!!! NOTHING in it is for sell unless, it's a good trade!!! Seriously, when I logged on today I had 10 jam-a-grams saying can i have this? Can I have that? Really people!! I will have a few things in my den for sale if you people are so, hungry for new items... I said nafaria9 could have it cause' shes a good friend, and half you people I don't even know! (Shes a friend in real life) So many of you might say thats unfair but she asked first!! And I don't give rare things to people who are "poor" I give them regular items to SELL. And if they are poor they better get of their lazy butts and go earn some fishstickin' gems! Anyways, my den is not a store I have a rare pink, and goldish yellow phantom plushie (princess and king) if any one wants em'. Those are things I'm actually selling so yeah......  The reason why I said being pecked to death by ducks is cause my teacher says that all the time... So yeah....

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! You are a good friend, too! And sorry about that other comment about rares. It's a LONG story how it got there.... you can just delete it if you'd like.


Hello! It's partyanimalzz, pupp1266 and ice cream here to teach you about commenting RULEZ!
1. Don't be mean (it's mean and if you do this ice cream will haunt you in your sleep)
2. THIS IS ABOUT A KID GAME!!!!!! Not some fashion show in lemonville!
3. Don't swear!!! (Swearing is baaaaad peeps!)
4. Don't be a spam robot (or a spambot as i call it)
5. Remember all people view this blog so please be nice
6. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. After you've comment dance in front of your computer and sing about yellow rubber duckies! -partyanimalzz & pupp1266!