Saturday, March 23, 2013

Party is over..

Here are some pics i managed to get during the party:
Ya I know.. I was late for my own party and if you were there earlier you probably aren't in these pics... sorry about that! But we met icecream, danced, and just talked! It was pretty fun. Keep commenting!


  1. HAHA!!! I made you late!!! My plan is working AND YOU CANNOT STOP ME FROM REACHING MY GOAL AGAINST U.............!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHA

    1. How did YOU make ME late?! That's not even possible.

  2. COOL party I wish I could come cause My rares are amazing you'll be so proud of me

    1. Wow! Someone actually says they have good rares! Thanks for not saying we are "better than you"!!

  3. Yo it's Gerbildog sayin' that partay was epic!


Hello! It's partyanimalzz, pupp1266 and ice cream here to teach you about commenting RULEZ!
1. Don't be mean (it's mean and if you do this ice cream will haunt you in your sleep)
2. THIS IS ABOUT A KID GAME!!!!!! Not some fashion show in lemonville!
3. Don't swear!!! (Swearing is baaaaad peeps!)
4. Don't be a spam robot (or a spambot as i call it)
5. Remember all people view this blog so please be nice
6. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. After you've comment dance in front of your computer and sing about yellow rubber duckies! -partyanimalzz & pupp1266!