Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Long time no see..

Okay so, I dunno if any of you know this but... my computer had a virus but we did get it fixed. Although my parents may not let me play AJ again! They think I caused the virus! Yeah right like I did =-= But trust me I will figure out some crafty way to get back onto Aj believe me that! (Oh btw Im on my grandparent's computer currently!)


  1. My old laptop got a virus from letting the online game Poptropica download something onto it. It eventually broke, and we got me a new laptop and my parents a new home computer. First of all, have you been on Poptropica recently? That might of caused it. Second of all, Next time you get a computer try and get Norton Internet Security. It helps against virus's, information stealers and much, much more!

    1. I play poptropica but it didn't do anything. so.................. dounuts!


Hello! It's partyanimalzz, pupp1266 and ice cream here to teach you about commenting RULEZ!
1. Don't be mean (it's mean and if you do this ice cream will haunt you in your sleep)
2. THIS IS ABOUT A KID GAME!!!!!! Not some fashion show in lemonville!
3. Don't swear!!! (Swearing is baaaaad peeps!)
4. Don't be a spam robot (or a spambot as i call it)
5. Remember all people view this blog so please be nice
6. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. After you've comment dance in front of your computer and sing about yellow rubber duckies! -partyanimalzz & pupp1266!