Wednesday, March 13, 2013


LaSalle is our newest alpha.. being the raccoon!
WOW! Another non-member thing? Not that I don't like it but.. I LOVE IT!! Finally non's can get something they might want! 

 I am SUPER excited to recieve my plaque with the thumbs up on it! And if you are wondering, you get one from sending aj fan mail-not email here's the address..
Animal Jam
PO Box 3624
SLC, UT 84110-3624 
 Well, I think that's it for now.. bye!!


  1. :( WAYYYY not fair!!! just because you have a blog doesn't mean you're the coolest DUH you spoiled brat

    1. What do you mean "unfair"?? When did I say I was the coolest?!?

    2. Dude, if u call them frikin' unfair then u got another person to mess with!And have u even SEEN their non member movement? They are like THE ONLY animal jam blog that has one besides feelers. And how are they spoled? NorthernKing and Queen are who u should call spolied. And BTW what u say is what u are.... So yeah... And I know partyanimalzz thinks she's pretty cool (which I know u are partyanimalzz) But pupp1266 never. And on this blog it's basically their mission I swear to be equal and kind along with loving, and fairness toward all JAMMERS. Litterally.... But if you are mean to them... Then a WILDFIRE starts! Anyways, do unto others as u would like them done unto u! Golden rule BTW. Peace! I love uf blog BTW pupp1266 and partyanimalzz!

    3. All ur saying is excuses excuses blah blah more excuses when WE pupp1266 and I haven't done any of that stuff. Unless u have proof than ur just lieing little liar pants. U are just using excuses! Not even real proof. Give me 5 times I said something about rares or coolness, or what ever. And if you want it to be SOOOOOOO Informational I suggest as you an idiot go read some other blog. Not this one! And since like when did U think you COULD cridizize us? HUh? HUH? Did I say you could. Nope nuh-uh I didn't. And I didn't say that stuff excuse making fishstick.

    4. "What you say is what you are" and you say that others are spoiled. -_-

  2. Uhhh... when did I EVER say anything about my rares being cool? Also, if you hate the blog soooo much then why do you take the time to comment!!?!? I said I was happy to be getting a plaque and even told you guys how to get one! I'm sick of getting these comments everyday!!!!!!!!

  3. If you want a plaque that badly, you can get the Online Safety Plaque by taking the safety quiz. It's that simple!

  4. Dude, if you are going to be so mean then why comment? She said nothing about her rares? Anyways, she has great rares! Be nicer!

  5. well, you could at least stop bragging. i found a new plan i can use it against u.

    1. Braggin' about what?! I just mentioned it!!!!!

  6. it's NOT their mision!!! i'ts NOT their duti!!! it's THEM they need to take care of!!!!

  7. ;( I'm not cool. I'm a non, just sitting there, nobody wants to play with me, they think I'm poor!!!! The movement thingamabob is good, but it's not great. I DERSERVE great! No, no, I don't! NOT to those rare, cool, selfish people out there!!! I WANT TO EXIST in JAMAA!!!!!!!! I QUIT!!!!!!!

    1. U aren't worthless!!! Don't quit!!! Please! Buddy me, I can help u. U AREN"T WORTHLESS! AND u do deserve better. I hated how ppl treated me before I had this blog. But listen u don't need a blog to be cool. Just speak out more! If u want to buddy me, and I swear u aren't worthless no body is everyone is special in their own way.

    2. Of course i'm worthless in ways!! Nobody wants me around so.... yeah and I ban myself from the report I can get my punishment for no rares!!

    3. STOP BEATING YOUR SELF UP!!! Thats not right, EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS WORTH SOMETHING. Members and rare ppl are VERY VERY mean. And I understand that. I'm not like that, just budddy me! I (even though I don't know you) want you around. What if everyone in jamaa banded their self? Who would ppl play with? listen, to me all my years and my very wise wisdom I tell you this YOU ARE NOT WORTHLESS> DON"T BEAT YOUR SELF UP. This is making me really sad right now that you would do this :'( Please, please, OH PLEASE I beg of you don't quit don't do this. Even though many other ppl might not care about you and other nons I care. Nafaria9 even made up a song (I edited it a little) To the tune of home (chorous) Some jammers they might drag you down you get lost you can always be found just know your not alone. We're gonna make this place your home 2x 00000000000000. There thats the song. You aren't alone many other ppl are going through this SAME EXACT thing. Just know that you are cared about and I want NO ONE to feel this way.


    5. thats not the reason why anymous is complaining. They're not mad at that they have membership, they're mad becuz they thin they're better than nons. (non members) They don't treat nons very well, when I was a non I was treated like dirt. Even though some members are caring and loving to nons others don't give a taco. Thats why tanymous is mad becuz they feel that members are better than them and everyone is. If thats not why you're mad anymous please correct me if I'm wrong -partyanimalzz

    6. Actually, I work and pay for my OWN membership. I do chores like any normal family and am not a rich snob. Partyanimalzz and I BOTH get our memberships on our own so don't go saying our parents buy it for us... cause trust me THEY DON'T

  8. Why do you want to look at it and comment on it dude?
    And anyway,be nice jammer.

  9. I sent a fan message in the post a week ago. I know I live in the UK but it doesnt take THAT long!!!

    1. It actually DOES take that long.. I live quite close to them and it took about 3 days for them to respond.

  10. You can get that statue from a secret shop that you can find if you go to the lost temple of zios then go into the chamber of knoledge beside Brady's lab then keep going through the chamber of knoledge then go through the door then you will be on the second floor then go up the stairs and you will be in the Mystery Emporium


Hello! It's partyanimalzz, pupp1266 and ice cream here to teach you about commenting RULEZ!
1. Don't be mean (it's mean and if you do this ice cream will haunt you in your sleep)
2. THIS IS ABOUT A KID GAME!!!!!! Not some fashion show in lemonville!
3. Don't swear!!! (Swearing is baaaaad peeps!)
4. Don't be a spam robot (or a spambot as i call it)
5. Remember all people view this blog so please be nice
6. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. After you've comment dance in front of your computer and sing about yellow rubber duckies! -partyanimalzz & pupp1266!